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Fortify Your Organization's Resistance to Cyber Threats

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Due to inadequate development and testing practices, web apps are frequently beset with security vulnerabilities and website configuration gaps. When these weaknesses are exploited, web apps can expose massive amounts of confidential business data.

Your apps can be a delicate link in information security. It's necessary to apply web application security best practices to improve the strength of your organization's resistance to cyber-threats.

Automate app security, shield web servers from hackers and rid your websites from malware.

Qualys Web Application Security offers these great features:

Discover - Find and catalog all web apps in your network, including new and unknown ones.

Assess - Dynamic deep scanning covers all apps on your perimeter, internal networks, remote and mobile devices, and public cloud instances.

Prioritize - Highly customized reporting capabilities with a focus on the OWASP Top 10 risks, with a unified, interactive dashboard that gives you an at-a-glance view of your web app security.

Qualys suggests downloading the ebook "Web Application Security for Dummies" to give you the keys to uncovering and eliminating vulnerabilities in web apps.