Patch Management

Streamline and accelerate vulnerability remediation for all your IT assets.

Bridge the IT / security gap to remediate vulnerabilities at warp speed


43% faster

with automated correlation to vulnerabilities

Patch rates

90% improvement

with smart automation

Close tickets

60% faster

with bidirectional integrations with CMDB and ITSM tools

One console to patch everything using a risk-based approach

Prioritize risk reduction while minimizing operational impact with the industry’s most advanced solution for remediation.

In 2021, Hurricane Ida threatened the city of New Orleans. We actually moved football operations to Dallas, and they were there for a month. We were still able to see vulnerabilities, patch, and reduce our threat footprint. It just made Qualys indispensable to us.

Jeff Huffman

Senior Director of IT Security & Administration, New Orleans Saints

Previously, we used SCCM, which was a challenge because you had to tell it what to do. Qualys scans it, finds it, patches it. That's it. It was very simple. In terms of time, manpower, planning, and the cost reduction in savings of labor dollars...huge.

Tom Scheffler

Security Operations Manager, Cintas

Eliminate silos with a single platform

Patch Windows, Linux, Mac operating systems, and third-party apps from a central dashboard utilizing the same agent as VMDR.

Improve patch rates up to 90% with smart automation

Automate patching for low-operational risk, high-risk reduction third-party applications. Close off unnecessary risk immediately.

Stay proactive and respond faster with risk-based automation

Target assets intelligently with automatic deployment of relevant patches when a vulnerability is detected such as ransomware, CISA, etc.

Fully integrated with VMDR

A vulnerability does not equal a patch. Automatically map vulnerabilities in VMDR to the right patches and/or configuration changes required to fix them.

Leverage zero-touch patching

Automate patching for prioritized vulnerability data to reduce critical threats. Improve MTTR, meet SLAs, and allow teams to focus on more strategic work.

Augment your incumbent solution

Significantly improve remediation of vulnerabilities by using Qualys Patch Management in conjunction with your SCCM or existing solution.

Master Vulnerability Remediation in 5 Steps.

  • Gain unmatched insight into a tailored security risk profile using your data and environment through a custom dashboard.
  • Accelerate vulnerability remediation by 43% with practical recommendations and a strategic roadmap to bolster your security.
  • Achieve a 90% patch rate improvement through smart automation and Qualys Patch Management.
Master Vulnerability Remediation

Powered by the Enterprise TruRiskTM Platform

The Enterprise TruRisk Platform provides you with a unified view of your entire cyber risk posture so you can efficiently aggregate and measure all Qualys & non-Qualys risk factors in a unified view, communicate cyber risk with context to your business, and go beyond patching to eliminate the risk that threatens the business in any area of your attack surface.

Qualys TotalCloud™ Cybersecurity Asset Management Dashboard

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Automate updates for continuous risk remediation

Implement a proactive policy for the timely patch of applications that pose ongoing risks to your environment.


CISA advises continuous patching of software that processes internet data, including web browsers, browser plugins, and document readers.

What does it contain?

  • Assess software that have introduced maximum vulnerabilities in last 2 years for your environment
  • Create zero touch patch job for browsers, document reader software
  • Schedule it for daily execution

Optimize patch deployment for risk remediation

Identify, test and deploy top patches that will reduce the most TruRisk.


SecOps and ITOps invest significant time in identification and patching, yet it frequently does not effectively reduce risk.

What does it contain?

  • Assess patches that can help to reduce most risk in the environment
  • Create patch job against the patch that will be targeted to multiple assets to remediate the critical vulnerabilities
  • Notify Security Analyst and IT team members about the Job start and completion

Save time and reduce risk with a streamlined approach to remediating vulnerabilities.

Try Patch Management at no cost for 30 days

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