Complimentary Webcast

Securing Your Public Cloud Infrastructure



  • Mark Butler, Chief Information Security Officer, Qualys
  • Hari Srinivasan, Director of Product Management, Qualys

Public cloud providers operate on a shared responsibility model, which places the onus on the customer to define and secure the data and applications that are hosted within cloud infrastructure. To that end, it is critical that organizations accurately and selectively pinpoint which cloud workloads and virtual IT assets must be monitored, updated and patched based on developing threats to customer data and applications.

In this webcast, Mark Butler, Chief Information Security Officer at Qualys, and Hari Srinivasan, Director of Product Management for Qualys Cloud and Virtualization Security will detail how you can gain complete visibility of your organization’s entire cloud asset inventory and security posture to help you keep up with shared security responsibility models across public cloud infrastructure.

This webcast will include a Q&A session, as well as a live demonstration of how to deploy Qualys seamlessly and deeply into public cloud environments with new features.

The presentation will cover:

  • Challenges surrounding increased migration to public clouds
  • Using automation for secure DevOps
  • How to ensure effective and efficient operations

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Speakers’ Bios

Mark Butler

Mark Butler, Chief Information Security Officer at Qualys, has more than 24 years of experience leading enterprise security teams, delivering security consulting services, and supporting security products. He has built and developed effective information security functions in financial, global security consulting, independent technical research, and comprehensive assessment services.

Mark Butler

Chief Information Security Officer, Qualys

Hari Srinivasan

Hari Srinivasan, Director of Product Management for Qualys' public cloud infrastructure platform integrations, has expertise in numerous enterprise software disciplines, including: cloud automation and systems management, data center transformation, Hybrid Cloud, PaaS - DBaaS, compliance and configuration management. He previously worked at Oracle and Andale.

Hari Srinivasan

Director of Product Management, Qualys