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Asset Management

A Visibility & Control Solution to Keep Your Assets Safe

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Most global organizations are dealing with thousands of vulnerabilities across thousands of systems and applications. Trying to mitigate them all at once is a lost cause. With automated digital asset management that correlates devices with vulnerability information, it’s easy to run a query to find assets that have specific vulnerabilities that are being actively exploited in the wild. After all, these are the most critical exposures to fix first.

Qualys Asset Inventory is a cloud-based IT asset inventory service that lets your company search for information on any asset where an agent is deployed, scaling to millions of assets for organizations of all sizes. Global IT assets can be searched in seconds and an up-to-date inventory is continuously maintained – no polling is required.

With Asset Inventory you get:

  • Real-time risk reporting for your executive stakeholders
  • Real-time queries for installed software across all your systems providing the insight needed to stay in compliance with your software vendor licensing agreements
  • Consolidated view of the security and compliance posture of assets across business units – new and old

Get all these asset management features right away: sign up for your free trial of Asset Inventory now!