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Asset Management
Vulnerability & Configuration Management
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  • Overview
  • Platform Apps

  • Qualys Endpoint Security

    Advanced endpoint threat protection, improved threat context, and alert prioritization

  • Context XDR

    Extend detection and response beyond the endpoint to the enterprise

Cloud Security

Complimentary Whitepaper

Stronger Security with Global AssetView

Get tips and tricks that can be used to implement and maintain effective IT asset inventory within your organization

Organizations are trending toward hybrid environments that are driven by mobility, IoT, cloud services, multiple operating systems and third-party applications. However, this can create asset-inventory blind spots leading to heightened security risks. Maintaining an inventory of IT assets is essential for a strong security posture.

This whitepaper authored by Matt Bromiley, SANS Instructor and Pablo Quiroga, Director of Product Management, Qualys, focuses on how security professionals can better identify and manage a variety of assets.

Additionally, it discusses how to:

  • Build an inventory management program that can scale as fast as your business does.
  • Continuously discover new devices and configurations as systems are brought up or down.
  • Normalize and classify data in order to add your own business context.
  • Structure your inventory management data in a format that can be ingested, structured, and analyzed.

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