Cloud Platform
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Asset Management
Vulnerability & Configuration Management
Risk Remediation
Threat Detection & Response
  • Overview
  • Platform Apps

  • Qualys Endpoint Security

    Advanced endpoint threat protection, improved threat context, and alert prioritization

  • Context XDR

    Extend detection and response beyond the endpoint to the enterprise

Cloud Security

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See How to Minimize Cyber Risk—and TCO

Spend less while detecting and resolving vulnerabilities faster

Need to get more security without spending more? In this video, you’ll learn how Illion (Dun & Bradstreet of Australia), a top provider of data, analytics, and customer management solutions, is using Enterprise TruRisk Platform to protect sensitive data more effectively while working within tight budget constraints.

As a key player in the Australasia financial services sector, Illion can’t afford to take chances with risk and compliance. With Enterprise TruRisk Platform, the company can detect vulnerabilities within four hours, not the 30 days its old tools needed. Pentests can now be conducted at half the cost, while engineers have gained back 5% of their time. The result: freeing up valuable resources to do even more with security. Click the video above to watch the whole story.

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