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  • Overview
  • Platform Apps

  • Qualys Endpoint Security

    Advanced endpoint threat protection, improved threat context, and alert prioritization

  • Context XDR

    Extend detection and response beyond the endpoint to the enterprise

Cloud Security

Complimentary eBook

Can you comply with PCI and other PII mandates?

Failure to protect PII can trigger breaches, compliance fines & lawsuits

Has your security team mastered the mountain of mandates required for Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Such as PCI DSS 4.0, GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and many others? PII protection has many demands and for good reason: as high-value data, its unauthorized exposure or theft in a breach can trigger huge fines or judgments in lawsuits.

Fortunately, you can protect PII with assurance. Want to know more? Qualys created the Protecting PII at its Point of Entry: Web Applications eBook to quickly chart the path. Inside, you’ll discover:

  • What PII is and why it is important
  • How PII enters an organization via web apps
  • Why web apps are insecure and how to fix them
  • Examples of breach fall-out penalties and costs
  • A bit about the cloud based Qualys Web Application Security solution

Ensure your team is in control of PII risks and compliance.

You can also try Qualys Web Application Scanning for free to easily solve requirements for automated PII security.


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