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Excel at Your Security Assessments without EXCEL Spreadsheets

The importance of streamlining your vendor and internal risk audits with an automated, cloud solution.

IT teams need to worry about the security of third parties because their interconnected to your physical premises and IT networks can make your organization vulnerable to breaches, which often result in corporate data theft, brand damage and hefty government fines. But third party security assessments pose a challenge because they are traditionally implemented via emailed risk assessment surveys and Excel spreadsheets.

Similarly, IT teams must run similar surveys in-house to ensure your employees and departments are complying with your company’s policies and procedures and with external rules and regulations. These are also traditionally run in a manual, non-scalable manner.

To manage assessment processes effectively, you must automate these polls to ensure the process is agile, accurate, comprehensive, centralized, scalable and uniform across your organization.

Download this whitepaper to understand six scenarios where you need cloud-based, automated risk assessments of third parties and internal staff, and to learn how Qualys Security Assessment Questionnaire automates and streamlines this entire lifecycle.

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