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Take Control of The ASD Essential Eight Cyber Security Guidelines with Continuous Security

Validate your maturity level and stay in front of regulatory compliance with Qualys

Qualys enables you to analyse threats and misconfigurations in real-time, which helps you validate your compliance with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight at the pace required to mitigate threats. Solutions exist to help meet the Essential Eight guidelines, but few, if any, validate compliance in an automated way.

This report, Take Control of The ASD Essential Eight Cyber Security Guidelines with Continuous Security, is an IT and business leader’s guide to ensuring their organisation is continuously meeting the best practice recommendations. Organisations have access to numerous solutions to meet the Essential Eight guidelines, but what is less prevalent is the capability to validate whether operational systems are compliant in an automated way.

Being proactive with the Essential Eight can be more cost-effective in terms of time, money and effort than having to respond to a large-scale cyber security incident.

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