Cloud Platform
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Asset Management
Vulnerability & Configuration Management
Risk Remediation
Threat Detection & Response
  • Overview
  • Platform Apps

  • Qualys Endpoint Security

    Advanced endpoint threat protection, improved threat context, and alert prioritization

  • Context XDR

    Extend detection and response beyond the endpoint to the enterprise

Cloud Security
In 2021, Hurricane Ida threatened the city of New Orleans. We actually moved football operations to Dallas, and they were there for a month. We were still able to see vulnerabilities, patch, and reduce our threat footprint. It just made Qualys indispensable to us.”

Our digital transformation

If your solution is not cloud-based, you’re wasting your time. Many options we encountered lacked offsite computing capabilities, relied on manual processes, and had inadequate automation. Our organization has diverse needs, and a robust cloud solution is essential to meet them effectively.

Biggest challenges

We have scouts on the road who are only at our facility three weeks of the year and patching can be challenging. Risk reduction really requires a unique solution that fit our needs with training camps and mobile employees.

How Qualys helps us

Qualys is an integral part of the New Orleans Saints cybersecurity program. We use patch management as well as VMDR to manage our vulnerabilities, stay compliant, and reduce our vulnerability risk against cyber threats.

Headquarters: New Orleans, Louisiana

Employees: 387

Industry: Sports Entertainment

Annual Revenue: $533M

See for yourself. Try Qualys for free.

Start your free trial today. No software to download or install. Email us or call us at 1 (800) 745-4355.