CISOs Offer Real-World Perspective on Qualys "Laws of Vulnerabilities" Research & Trends
DuPont, Geisinger Health System, Oracle and WesCorp to Discuss Zero-Day Exploits at InfoSecurity 2004
* * * * * * * * * * * Media Advisory * * * * * * * * * * *
Computer worm and virus attacks are costing global businesses billions of dollars in damages. The swiftness and severity of these attacks have left CSOs questioning the defense of their networks. How can we prepare our networks against zero day exploits? How do we protect against both external and internal threats? Can we anticipate trends?
Gerhard Eschelbeck of Qualys will present data from his “Laws of Vulnerabilities” research, illustrating the trends in security threats to both internal and external systems. A panel of security experts from DuPont, Geisinger Health System, Oracle and WesCorp will discuss the real-world impact of these trends and how CSOs can protect their networks and their companies. Pete Lindstrom, Research Director at Spire Security, will lead the discussion.
Panel of security experts includes:
- Larry Brock, CISO, DuPont
- Jaime Chanaga, CISO, Geisinger Health System
- Mary Ann Davidson, CSO, Oracle
- Chris Hoff, CISO, WesCorp
- Gerhard Eschelbeck, CTO, Qualys
Moderator: Pete Lindstrom, Research Director, Spire Security
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
2:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York, New York
Shany Seawright, Merritt Group Public Relations
[email protected]
About Qualys
With more than 2,000 subscribers ranging from small businesses to multinational corporations, Qualys has become the leader in on demand vulnerability management and policy compliance. The company allows security managers to strengthen the security of their networks effectively, conduct automated security audits and ensure compliance with internal policies and external regulations. Qualys’ on demand technology offers customers significant economic advantages, requiring no capital outlay or infrastructure to deploy and manage. Its distributed scanning capabilities and unprecedented scalability make it ideal for large, distributed organisations. Hundreds of large companies have deployed Qualys on a global scale, including AXA, DuPont, Hershey Foods, ICI Ltd, Novartis, Sodexho, Standard Chartered Bank and many others. Qualys is headquartered in Redwood City, California, with European offices in France, Germany and the U.K., and Asian representatives in Japan, Singapore, Australia, Korea and the Republic of China. For more information, please visit
Media Contact:
Tami Casey
[email protected]