Network security attacks are becoming more frequent, more complex and the damages are costing companies millions of dollars. Evolving attacks are capable of spreading faster than human, manual response. Therefore, the need for automated defenses to thwart sophisticated network attacks and protect our economic continuity is at an all time high.
Gerhard Eschelbeck, CTO and VP of Engineering at Qualys, will lead the discussion with the presentation of his published research and Congressional testimony on vulnerabilities and worm defense. In addition, security experts from Computer Science Corporation, Symantec, VeriSign, and @Stake Consulting will join Qualys to participate in an interactive discussion on “The Future of Automated Defenses” at CSI in Washington, D.C. BearingPoint will moderate the discussion.
Our distinguished panel of Internet security experts includes:
Moderator: J. Michael Gibbons, Managing Director, BearingPoint
Tuesday, November 4, at 5:30pm EST
Cocktails will be served
CSI 30th Annual Computer Security Conference
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel - Marriott Ballroom
2660 Woodley Road NW
Washington DC 20008
Tel: (202) 328-5600
Kindly RSVP by Friday, October 31
Michelle Schafer
Qualys, the Qualys logo and QualysGuard are proprietary trademarks of Qualys, Inc. All other products or names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Media Contact:
Tami Casey