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Reporting Strategies

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This is a continuation of the Vulnerability Management Video Series. It is on building reports in the Vulnerability Management Application.

For the best experience, Qualys recommends the certified Reporting Strategies course: self-paced or instructor-led.

To learn the individual topics in this course, watch the videos below.

Introduction to Reporting Strategies and Best Practices

Introduction to Reporting Strategies and Best Practices Get an overview of the basic components needed to build custom reports in the Vulnerability Management application.

Sources of Data Collection

Sources of Data Collection Understand the different mechanisms used by Qualys to collect vulnerability and inventory information from your infrastructure.

Reporting Philosophy

Reporting Philosophy Get an overview of the basic concepts and components needed to build custom reports in the Qualys Vulnerability Management application. Map...

Dashboards, Widgets and Queries

Dashboards, Widgets and Queries Understand the use cases and best practices for Dashboards, Widgets and Queries.

Threat Protection

Threat Protection Get an overview of the Threat Protection application and understand how to prioritize vulnerability remediation using Real-time Threat...

AssetView and Asset Inventory

AssetView and Asset Inventory Understand the differences between AssetView and Asset Inventory and use cases for each.

VM Dashboard

VM Dashboard An introduction to the new VM dashboard tool and understand how to use it.

VM Reporting

VM Reporting Understand how reporting can be used to drive remediation and audit your patching program. Understand at a high-level the important report...

Scan Report Template

Scan Report Template Get an in-depth understanding of the different configuration options available in a report template.

Hosts with Cloud Agents

Hosts with Cloud Agents Understand how Qualys reports on a Cloud Agent host that is also being scanned with an appliance. Also learn how this data can be merged.

Report Template - Display Options

Report Template - Display Options Get an in-depth understanding of the different configuration options available under the Display section of report template. Also understand...

Report Template - Filter Options

Report Template - Filter Options Understand the different vulnerability filters that can be used in a report template.

Report Template - Services and Ports

Report Template - Services and Ports Learn how the report template can be configured to show hosts that are missing a required service/port and hosts that have an unauthorized...

Using Reports for Analysis

Using Reports for Analysis Learn how to use reports to analyze hosts that have been patched but flagged as vulnerable and how changes in authentication, ports targeted...

Reporting Use Case - Major Vulnerability Release

Reporting Use Case - Major Vulnerability Release Learn how to address a major vulnerability release, start by creating a search list and use it to scan for affected assets, then use it...

Scorecard Reports

Scorecard Reports Get an understanding of the different types of scorecard reports and how these can be used to get a high level view of your vulnerabilities,...

Patch Report Template

Patch Report Template Get an understanding of the different options that can be configured within a Patch Report template.

Distributing Reports

Distributing Reports Understand the factors to keep in mind when designing report distribution and the different ways in which reports can be distributed to users.

Assigning Templates and Assets to Users

Assigning Templates and Assets to Users Learn how to configure the template to automatically provide report access to specific users. Also learn how to assign assets to users so...

Distributing Scheduled Reports

Distributing Scheduled Reports Learn how to schedule reports and have them automatically distributed to users. Also learn with a use case how different reporting activities...


Purging Get an understanding of the different use cases for purging, differences between purging and removing an IP, how to identify assets for...