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Continuous Monitoring

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Learn the common use cases and features of Qualys Continuous Monitoring, including rulesets, monitoring profiles, and alerts.

To learn the individual topics in this course, watch the videos below.

Continuous Monitoring - Introduction

Continuous Monitoring - Introduction Get an introduction to Qualys Continuous Monitoring including common use cases and features. Also get introduced to rulesets, monitoring...

Continuous Monitoring - Prerequisites

Continuous Monitoring - Prerequisites Understand the prerequisites for setting up Continuous Monitoring alerts. Learn how to enable NDSM, subscribe the IP addresses, and create...

Continuous Monitoring - Rulesets

Continuous Monitoring - Rulesets Understand how to setup Continuous Monitoring Rulesets. Learn about the different rule types that can be configured and how to match multiple...

Continuous Monitoring - Monitoring Profiles

Continuous Monitoring - Monitoring Profiles Understand how to configure a Continuous Monitoring Profile. Learn how to include assets and rulesets in a monitoring profile, and how to set...

Continuous Monitoring - Viewing Alerts

Continuous Monitoring - Viewing Alerts Learn how to view Continuous Monitoring alerts, how to filter, and how to download them.
